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Prem Raj Adhikari

Hi ! I'm a PhD student and researcher at Department of Information and Computer Science at Aalto University School of Science. I am a member of the Parsimonious Modelling Group in HIIT and ALGODAN Center of Excellence . D.Sc. (Tech.) Jaakko Hollmén takes the burden of advising and Professor Samuel Kaski of supervising my studies. Unlike Mike, Santa did bring me a thesis for Christmas albeit just Master's and I completed my Master's Programme in Machine Learning and Data Mining (Macadamia) in December 2010. Currently, I am working on probablistic modelling in cancer genomics with a focus on multiresolution modelling of chromosomal aberrations patterns in cancer. My research is funded by Hecse graduate school, HIIT and Finnish Center of Excellence ALGODAN.

Research and other interests

I'm interested in probabilistic modelling and multiresolution 0-1 data especially the multiresolution mixture models. Generically speaking, I am interested in the Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms and their use in the analysis of large data sets. My interests also includes the application of Machine Learning algorithms for solving problems in bio-informatics and computational biology.

Some of the more specific fields of interest are: machine learning, data mining, probabilistic graphical models, bio-informatics, scale space methods. Hobbies include listening music, reading, sports and photographing nature & its wonderful people.

Contact information

E-mail: prem dot adhikari at aalto.fi
Phone: +358 (0) 50 430 2532
Fax: +358 9 4702 3277

Street address:
Room A342, 3rd floor
Computer Science building
Konemiehentie 2, Otaniemi
02150 Espoo, Finland

Postal address:
Department of Information and Computer Science
Aalto University School of Science
P.O. Box 15400
FI-00076 Aalto, Finland

Research Visit

I visited The Delft Bioinformatics Lab for two weeks from 5th to 17th of December 2011. I worked under the supervision of Assistant Professor Jeroen de Ridder on scale space theory and their application to genes. A longer visit is also planned for again sometime in the future. While in Delft, I gave a talk on my current work and future plans to the group.


Full list of publications including BibTeX references and links to on-line versions of the papers of the whole ICS department are available here. Small subset of this includes my publications as well. Also, here is a link to my google scholar profile.

Journal publication

Conference publications

Technical Report

Conference presentations and posters

Master's Thesis

Prem Raj Adhikari, 2010. Mixture Modelling of Multiresolution 0-1 Data. Master's thesis, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, December 2010, Espoo, Finland.


Academic Activities

Prem Raj Adhikari